
This is my second daughter Kim when she was much younger.  I post this as an illustration for the poem I wrote after one of my weekends with her and her older sister.  Some of the pain of being a divorced parent linger to this day, but the poem captures some of the emotion. One of my gifts to her when she became an adult was a book sprayed and fixed in an open position with the poem written on the right page and a childhood photo of her sliding down a sliding board with her arms raised pasted on the left page.


Her daddy is away
    She keeps a box under her bed
            Holding a snowman pin, a tattered Valentine,
            A key that fit three houses ago.
“Sometimes I take out a kiss
And wear it to school.”
Tears betray his smile
            As he tries to be proud
            She’s finding a way
            For weekends
            To last until Fridays.

 Dan W. Moore

By the way, I learned something other than the presence of lingering memories in doing this post.  It's not easy to take an acceptable photo of a photo, especially one under non-glare glass.

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