Saturday: La Mer

The mystery of the missing thumbnail facility has been solved - an outdated browser, now updated.  

It is still very cold and very snowy.  We had a nice morning, though - we went to the market to stock up and then went to our favourite cafe for coffee.  It is very local and I think they find us a bit quirky in there.  Everyone else who goes seems to work in the market.  While we were there, we bumped into Austrian Georg who joined us for a coffee.  After he left, a man came in selling nuts in a basket so we had bought two paper tubes from him and had those with our coffee.  

Amongst our purchases today, we also obtained some beef bones - K. is going to make Vietnamese pho stock from them!

We saw this chap out today - I did give him a little something for the privilege of taking his photo.  

And finally, watch this.  Seriously, watch it - it will mean something to a lot of people on here.  

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