
By littlesedz

Grandpa's early birthday prezzie

...No not me, an Xbox one!! Lucky Grandpa!

Me and Mummy went to Dawn and Leo's house today, where we met Jenna, Jake and Lillie too. We had a lovely afternoon playing, and Leo didn't even mind too much when his Mummy had cuddles!
Mummy took me straight to Nannie and Grandpa's house and I stayed awake in the car all the way there. It's the first time I've managed to stay awake in the car! When we got there Nannie wasn't back from work so me and Mummy walked to the shop, we only got to the end of the road before Nannie drove past; so we waited for her, and she came for a walk too!
Daddy met us there and when Grandpa got home he opened his early birthday present.
We stayed for tea (and so Daddy could have a go on the Xbox!)

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