Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Crummock Water

Me and Misty had a very misty walk at Crummock Water this morning.  Was very surprised to see a sheep standing in the water near the weir, looking very frightened.  So I thought I'd better go and find a farmer, but hadn't gone too far when I got chatting to a couple of ladies who were local and said they knew all the farmers in the area and promised to ring around when they got back.  I was worried that a dog would chase it towards the weir :(  The sheep had gone by the time we got back, so quite relieved :)

It was very misty when we arrived and it was wonderful to see it gradually disappear to be replaced by blue sky and sunshine.  More misty shots are on flikr  I had a heck of a job deciding what to upload for today's blip and went with this one of Grassmoor in the end, better press the publish button quick before I change my mind again :)

I am so glad I went out today as left home in fog and arrived back home to fog, its not lifted all day.  :)

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