My new wardrobes

Mummy and I had a great morning. We had a long lie before getting up for breakfast. I had lots of fresh fruit. I was very hungry.

Grandma and grandad came up to see us in the afternoon. Grandad put the doors on my wardrobes. I love them. They have mirrors on the doors and I keep looking at myself I them. I was so pleased with them, I ran and gave grandad a big cuddle when he had finished them.

Grandma took me out to the park for ages. We had lots of fun. I was on the swings, slide and firemans pole - much to grandmas shock!

When we got back I was pleased to see mummy. I was even more excited to see grandad. I cuddled in to him then sat on his knee. I have missed him when he was on holiday.

Once grandma and grandad had gone home I told mummy that I was staying at their house tomorrow. I also said that I didn't want to come out of my wardrobes.

I am very tired, after such a busy day that I fell asleep at 7pm. Daddy took me up to my cot. I didn't even moan.

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