
By FrankS

Traffic Jam

Tuesday 22nd May 2012

I can officially declare that summer has arrived. It will only last a few days of course, but we must take our blessings as and when they are presented, and in small doses ;)

I'm not sure if it was the heat of the moment or what it was that triggered the Morrison's fire alarm; but we all had to leave our shopping in the aisles and remove ourselves outside. All undertaken in a very orderly fashion, with no panic and much milling around in the car park. It was, of course, a false alarm and we were soon let back into the cool of the chiller sections from the unrelenting heat of the tarmac. It was the most exciting thing that's happened for a long time (we lead very quiet lives!).

Meanwhile back in the real world, the garden is looking really good and colourful. It may not be up to RHS Chelsea Flower Show standard, but we're pleased with it. Lots of blues and violets with occasional pinks, yellows and deep velvety reds. Lovely.

Here's my contribution for today; four fine specimens making the most of the sunshine.

Stop press. That is what I was going to show you. Instead I'm posting this collage of photos I took in quick succession of our road at just after 4pm. The running of coaches and buses along our narrow road has been a bug bear with most of the residents for years. This gets worse in the summer when tourist coaches compete with school buses in a free-for-all in which wing mirrors, lampposts and trees all suffer. All this would be avoidable by some sensible traffic management by the local and district councils. They've held meetings; they've been out to see for themselves, they've no doubt written reams of reports. Is anything going to get done? NO!

So twice a day we watch the chaos and shake our heads; and occasionally take photos.

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