Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Blip 1500 !

A Hummingbird...
Above the flower bed. Over the lawn …
A flashing dip and it is gone.
And all it lends to the eye is this —
A sunbeam giving the air a kiss.

~Harry Kemp

I want to remember today
~as the middle of an era of stalking my 'pet' Costas hummingbird, Zippy, at the single feeder in my backyard...

~as a day when I shared my consecutive streak milestone with so many people I have never met in person but who have always been so kind to me...

~as a day I helped at the Lasagne dinner for the first time as a member of the Italian Catholic Federation...

~as the last day of a week when it's been at least  80ºF/27ºC every day - and will continue to be so for at least another several...

~as a time when I still have my mom, my best friend, in my life ...

~I want to remember today as being happy...happy with who I am and with the choices I have made in my life.  Determined to overcome any obstacle that is thrown my way... 

Happy that I am part of the natural world and the natural world is part of me.



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