Demolition commenced today, of the former Clydesdale Bank on Longman Road, Inverness.

Walked by here yesterday, and considering Blipping the building. There were no barriers around it, or indication of what was going to happen. It was as it's been for a good while - empty and unused. A 1980's bit of construction, and nothing special to my eye. I'd moved on, thinking, "Perhaps some other time. In different light."

Spoke to one of the workers on the site. Supposedly it's being replaced by something that's really needed in Inverness... yet another car showroom. The adjacent Mercedes one (to the right of the shot), was obviously feeling lonely. What's the bets that it will be part of the ever increasing Arnold Clark empire? There's only a few car brands left, that they haven't taken over locally! Very much becoming a monopoly to my mind. One which, from experience, I'd rather not deal with...

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