Texann Times

By Texann


Thankfully we got a call from Leejohnaire’s oncology team first thing this morning to say that they had managed to convince our insurance company that he needed to have his CT scan a week early because of his new symptoms.  The appointment had been moved to a new MD Anderson facility in a different part of town (Katy, TX) and boy, was it a great experience.  There was just no comparison to the main facility (which is still very impressive!).  It was only about half an hour’s drive away for us, as opposed to the main facility which is an hour away at least.  There was no wait to be taken.  The whole process took about two hours, as opposed to the six or seven that had been scheduled at the main facility.  We sat in a private room, with a TV, while L drank his drugged-up Sprite, as opposed to sitting in a huge waiting area with many others (not such a hardship normally, except when thoughtless visitors bring in loads of pizzas to eat in front of patients who aren’t allowed to eat for three or four hours before their scans!).  And parking was free. 

We only saw one other patient there (but that might have been because we were shut away in our own wee room).  We’re really hoping it stays open as we want to be able to go there every time from now on!  Should get the scan results on Tuesday. 

There really wasn’t much for us to photograph on our day out, so we searched around in the garden when we got home.  This wee bird was all I could find and I’m afraid I don’t know what it is (warbler? flycatcher? Something small and female?), so if anyone knows, I’d be happy for you tell me.  To narrow it down a bit, we live in a suburb of Houston, Texas. 

PS  Thanks to Kimb, we think this may be a female Yellow-rumped Warbler.  Delighted to think that if I only have one bird in my garden, at least it's an interesting one! :)

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