
By cracker

Buyers' Agent of the Year!!

Kaz was nominated for Queensland Buyers' Agent of the Year and it was out of four finalists for the award! Kaz thought that she had messed up the interview so there no way she would win! I didn't go because it was in Brisbane and would be a really late night and so I stayed home and looked after the kids!

Well, she won!!!!!! It was amazing!!! She didn't even have a speech prepared or anything! Lucky she is good at thinking on her feet!! She got a trophy and now has to go to Perth for the Australian awards next month!! I am so proud of her! She works so hard so this is brilliant she has won this award!!

In other news, Dad is doing well after his open heart surgery. He is staying at Craig's house because he can't drive for 6 weeks and is still in a bit of pain, mostly when he sneezes or coughs. He sounds really good in himself though and can tell a difference already when he walks around he doesn't get puffed.

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