An odd selection

Over the past few weeks I have (in no particular order) been told my job is at risk, been for a job interview at a brand new company, got the job, been delighted, gone through the stupid consultation process, got a bit sad, got told my job is redundant (today) and left my job only saying goodbye to four people. Since I left everyone else has been told and I have been receiving lovely messages all afternoon.

It doesnt even take looking at the big picture to realise that this is all a Good Thing and I am in fact a jammy sod (direct quote from a friend) to get a new job and a pay off from the old one. It will all be very exciting to move onwards and upwards.

Today though I am just quite sad. Daisy was delighted to find this motley selection of belongings in my bag when I came home. She was two when I started this job (Will was a long was off even being part of anyone's imagination) and that orange and green thing (dragon we think) was an offering from nursery which I keep my paper clips on. The rest were gifts from a travelling lovely colleague and Daisy was most overjoyed at the selection of postits i brought her. So, its been a long time, I would have been sad today if I had left under my own steam and actually had said goodbye properly. No matter, we will have an evening in the pub next week, we will all move on  and OH, this may actually be the BEST BIT! I dont start my new job until March and I have a whole month off to tit about. The more eagle eyed will have noticed I have actually been doing that for the last few weeks also. 

Tonight I shall start the titting about by going to Cat's house for her birthday (lets pray her feet have grown a little since I last saw her and she doesnt fall over herself in her new socks). I have bought Ameretto and Noilly Pratt for my travelling cocktail bar to celebrate.

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