"SHADOW ON THE WALL " - Mike Oldfield.

Well after yesterday's  sunshine, today we had the opposite.  It was grey and cold and certainly nothing worthy of a blip.

For ages Mr A has told me to blip the above.  It is what appears on the lounge wall above a stained glass lamp I bought over 12 years ago.  It is very modern and certainly much better than I could create.  But through the vents at the top you get this amazing illumination on the wall, highlighting two leaves I created many years ago.

I hope your day has been better than mine.  I'm so glad it's Friday tomorrow and I'm looking forward to a lie in!

We have a fairly free weekend in prospect and hope for good dry weather
to take 'the beast' out for a run.  Thankyou for your continued support in my life.  Sending hugs - sleep well fellow blippers. xx 

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