
By beeeze

Getting things done

I can't honestly say that I wanted to get out of bed today but I did because I had a cake order or two to deal with.

The boys in the post office asked for a cake for their mum's birthday so this is what they got. Not my best effort but it's not bad for a rush job. The liberal application of glitter hid a lot of imperfections...

I also finally managed to finish a couple of scarves and hats for E & P to take on their fabulous hols next week. This sounds like I've been beavering away with the deadline in mind. In truth I've had the yarn (from their alpacas) for nearly a year and yet still managed to procrastinate so successfully that today was the last posting day - and found me attaching bits and pieces with less than half an hour to catch the post.

I know. But why make it easy for yourself??

*rolls eyes*

Anyway... A new series of The Great British Sewing Bee starts in half an hour and I'm really looking forward to it. I shall start my next knitting/crochet project while I wait :)

It's all rock and roll in this house, I tell you.

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