Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Eight Days till . . .

Eight days till . . . till our anniversary.

Our song then and still is "Eight Days a Week" by the Beatles. Hearing it still this many years later, no matter where we are, causes both of us to look at the other with that moment of knowing and the acknowledgement that it's "our" song.

So this evening as we were eating dinner and during our talking realized it is eight days till the day, the song surfaced to the level of our conversation and swirled around us.

Because back then he was 19 and I was 15 and we had a baby on the way, Mom would not let me wear a white dress, so that explains the yellow.

The brand new '65 VW Bug was the result of Mr. Fun's inheritance from his paternal grandmother. Actually, I think he was considerably more excited about the brand new car than the brand new wife, but hey, he was only 19 and cars were pretty dang important to a teenage boy.

He was definitely a boy and I was definitely a girl. We could not have been referred to as man & wife, nor adults. We knew nothing about being adults, but we can guarantee you that over the next many years we learned on our feet what it meant to be adults.

Three photos from that day seem to be all that we have and at the moment two of them are stashed in some pile somewhere not to be found. So here we are the happy three-some -- the groom, the bride, and the car!

Someone asked me on Saturday what we were going to do to celebrate our anniversary, and I said, "We don't have a clue!" and then I added, "We truly love to be spontaneous." So on the 29th we'll figure something to do. It is a day, though, when we both have to report to work; we don't have the luxury of a Saturday or Sunday anniversary, but hey, it's only the 47th. So it's okay. Our 50th will be on a Friday! That's pretty cool!

We'll probably go out for a fancy pantsy dinner that costs way too much . . . we're still spending the bucks our folks saved on that shotgun wedding. The amount of money spent on weddings these days is staggering (and then the marriage lasts, maybe, till the fifth anniversary). Good grief! I think our folks spent less than a hundred bucks on ours. I think they got their money's worth!

We're on countdown to an Anniversary!
Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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