From Cymbeline

By Cymbeline

The Channel Billed Cuckoo

Don't waste your time.

There is no Channel Billed Cuckoo within this frame.

But I did see one this morning.  It was huge (I thought it may have been a large hawk or similar) , brazen, loud, (actually, VERY loud) and insistent.

It was with a currawong, and in the few moments that I spent in close proximity to it, was behaving like a baby, and screaming at the (much smaller) currawong.  

Grabbed the camera, and despite not giving a toss about me previously being within arms reach, decided to move off as I approached with a lens.


But with Trish's google of strange large bird blue mountains, we have now identified this (actually horrible creature) as a Channel Billed Cuckoo.  It's a fascinating story and I'd recommend a quick google.

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