Which way is the beach?

I saw this snowman in front of one of my neighbors house when I was driving home from art class today.  It gave me a good laugh to see a snowman sitting on a beach chair with sunglasses on.  I guess it wouldn't be a bad place to be for a snowman.  Cold wind off the ocean and no worries of melting.  Anyway I thought it was very creative and worthy of a picture.
Art class went very well today and I made some real progress on my painting.  I had been away from art for quite a while between my back problems and then my trip to Puerto Rico.  It's amazing how quickly you lose confidence in yourself when you are away from something too long. 
I think it's safe to say that Dillon is completely house trained now and even "speaks" to go out.  It was an exhausting few months but well worth it.  He is a wonderful pet.

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