Erinn Letts Photos

By ErinnL

Fade Away

All the grandparents are in town this weekend to see the basketball games.  I was determined to get my Christmas tree down before our guests arrived and, in doing so, did not get a blip done yesterday.  My first miss since January 1st, 2014.

Evan had his final tournament today.  They played three games back to back.  He was finally warmed up by the third game and scored 4 baskets!  When I uploaded the photos, he said, "Mom!  Did you get my fade-away?!"  I'm not sure that he actually faded away, but in his 8 year-old mind, I'm sure he did. 

Owen missed his games today.  He was suppose to play two in Woodbury, but he fell twice this week and his kneecap is still quite bruised.  The team was 1 and 1 so they'll play for the 3rd place tomorrow.

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