A time for everything

By turnx3

Église Saint Paul, Chailly-en-Bière

A good day today. It was a cold start, with quite a hard frost, and since my car had got left outside overnight, I had to scrape the windows before leaving for bible study. It was a nice drive with the sun, blue sky and frosty fields. We are continuing with and very much enjoying our Beth Moore study on the Old Testament book of Esther. She goes into so much detail, not only describing the background and history, but especially showing how relevant aspects of it are to our lives today. After study, I went to have lunch and spent the afternoon with my friend Felicity. She had a lovely fire going in their living room, so it was very cosy. We did leave the warmth of the fire at one stage however, to go for a walk around the village, Chailly is located near the artist village of Barbizon, and scenes from the village are depicted in several paintings by Sisley, Monet and others. I was pleasantly surprised to come across this lovely view of the church, since I have only ever seen it from the main road on the other side of the building, and you don't realize how big it is from that angle.

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