Snow Crazy

5years 105days 

We woke to an unexpected blanket of snow this morning. We didnt even realise for the first hour that we were awake. We opened the curtains at 7.30 and Katie's bounce levels massively increased. We sped up the getting ready process and had a fabulous hour playing, whilst also getting to school! Katie threw a snowball "to Australia", via video, to share the fun with Max & Edie. She crawled like this for a lot of the journey, apparently it was a lot of fun. 

She came back quite happy from school - she'd taken her lovely story in, which really impressed her teacher. He also showed some of her work to the Head and she was chuffed about that. She read a poem to the teacher, and read a poem to the rest of the class. She was very excited that they had been able to play on the big field in the snow at morning break. 

On the way home, we pass a gigantic puddle if theres any hint of rain. In the snow, it was a gigantic ice puddle. She spent 45 minutes stomping the ice, splashing, jumping and laughing away. I kept trying to encourage her to go home - she was soaked - but she just wanted to play more! She fell on her face yet still got up and played more! Eventually she conceded that it was in fact cold and came home. Granny and Grandad joined us for tea. A good day. 

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