Picturing Sheffield

Today was a trip into town - a couple of errands, coffee and catch-up with a friend, and a visit to an exhibition in the Millennium Gallery called Picturing Sheffield. It covered a wide range of images, mainly paintings, of the city, past and present. It was fascinating to see the changes over the years, from its pre-industrial to post-Industrial state. One of the most striking images was this one and with the benefit of hindsight (I didn't know this image was on Flickr) it would have been good to blip what this street looks like today - not especially pretty, but perhaps that's understandable, give the context of its post war rebuilding. 
The image I am posting shows the the spire of City's Roman Catholic cathedral which is strangely hemmed in by other buildings. The late afternoon light made this areas of buildings look more attractive than they really are. To quote the text on the Flickr site:

Sheffield is one of the greenest cities in Europe and has been called the largest village in England. Yet the city has rarely been called beautiful.

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