Calm before the storm(panic) - 400th blip!

I had decided to get out for the sunrise today as I have a lot of packing to do for the trip to India.  I am leaving tomorrow morning to meet up with my sister.  The storm or rather panic happened when I couldn't remember the combination of my suitcase.  I spent ages reading how to unlock suitcases on the internet, visited a locksmith who wouldn't go near it and even went through all the numbers.  I resigned myself to using my husbands which isn't so nice or big when a tried the old number again and this time moved a knob to the side it opened.  All this in a day where I had a hair appointment slotted in as well.  Now I'm into quick packing and am taking a break to do this blip.  

Blip seems to think its my 400th blip today but a few days ago it would have been tomorrow not today.  I think its because I ended up uploading the same photo twice on one day.  I had intended a shot of my suitcase with a luggage label saying 400 but now its today and there is no more time to add much to it but there we are.  It was a lovely calm cold, crisp sunrise though.  I must remember that while I rush around.

Not sure how good the internet connections will be but will be taking photos and upload them when I can.

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