Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

More D for Me

These glistening, translucent orbs are filled with Vitamin D, a nutrient crucial to bone, skin, and mental health. About 80 to 90 percent of our vitamin D comes from sun exposure. Alas, for those of us living in the Pacific Northwest, sunshine is not something we ever take for granted. 

A few years ago at my annual physical, I was found to be severely D deficient and was promptly put on a super high regimen of D for several weeks. Now, I simply pop a daily D supplement and I'm good to go. This past week though, I ran out of my vitamin D, and never got around to buying more. After several days, I began to feel it: unfocused, fatigued, and generally out of sorts. 

Here are Seven Signs that YOU may benefit from more vitamin D:

1. your bones ache
2. you've got the blues
3. you're 50 or older
4. you're obese
5. you have darker skin
6. you have gut trouble
7. your head sweats

If you say yes to several of these criteria, try to get more sunshine (without using any sunscreen, though) or, pick up a bottle of D supplement.

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