My life in blips

By Goretex

Made it!

Here's the view from the top of Ben A'an looking over Loch Katrine. Stunning scenery from the top today. Rather icy on the way up but the yak trax held us firm. Eubers, Aldomak, MP and myself were today's adventurers, while the others worked off A'desk's tray of meaty delights:2 in other ways. 
I do love climbing this hill. Lots of memories from today
1. MP climbed the ben at least twice and seemed to think she was the welcoming party every time someone appeared at the top!
2. Aldomak helped a honeymoon couple (!) capture their climb to the top using his photography skills.  Not sure they both had their stories right though!
3. During our decent, Aldomak and Eubers met the real "A'an" and ably assisted her on her way to the top.  Their cavalier spirit still brings a rye smile to their faces!

So what was the reward for all today's hard work ......? Well, today's constitution earned us an alfresco scone and a coffee at the Harbour Cafe beside Loch Venachar (highly recommended).  Oh how I cradled my cup of coffee in my hand.

Before tea, another heat up in the pool, sauna and steam room then packed up and back to the big city.

Great week end.  Thanks all.

Finally MP is sleeping zzzzzzzz

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