Raindrops or Fairy Orbs?!
Lovely walk through the woods this morning and it was all about the raindrops! When I started the walk they were frozen but then the sun thawed them out and they were just hanging everywhere glistening in the sunlight. Totally magical! This is one very fine line of huge raindrops on a branch and a little Lightroom treatment to make them into fairy orbs!
Major clean of house as friend coming for her dinner! Yesterday the state of the house was so totally overwhelming I curled up on the sofa in the kitchen and slept for several hours - so was then wide awake until 5 in the morning - so spring cleaned various areas and even moved wood and stones in Amelia's vivarium after feeding her! So today it was hoovering from the attic downwards and then a steamclean of the kitchen and conservatory! 5 minutes breather then cooked pasta for friend - she is in her last week of radiotherapy and the tiredness has kicked in big time - so all friends back on the feeding rota! Last hospital visit with her tomorrow as it's my turn on the transport rota! Then she has 6 weeks to recover and the radiotherapy to subside, more scans then the big operation - possibly more chemo after that.
So, all animals fed and cleaned, house tidy, blip chosen - now to do rubbish and then an early night! Well, early for me anyway!
Varied and interesting response to yesterdays question - thank you! Will try to remember them all!
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