Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Come on the U's!

Molly prefers her ewes white and woolly but, willing to jump on the bandwagon in aid of a blip, she donned a Cambridge United scarf and struck a pose. 

Poppy still wasn't really well this morning but, being a mean mummy (and having to work) I made her walk to school in the snow. She shuffled along making a strange whimpering noise, sniffing and coughing and snuffling. I whizzed off to work, expecting to get a phone call from her school asking me to pick her up but, bless her, she soldiered on and managed to last the whole day.

We had a fair bit of snow but it was soon followed by rain and is pretty much all gone now.
Looking forward to an evening on the sofa with Alfie. D's got a band meeting in the pub to debrief Saturday's gig.

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