Window on robin & raspberry

This very cold American Robin was on the ornamental maple that's poking out of the snow outside the kitchen window this morning. It was barely 0 degrees f and the Robin looked so very hungry. Moments before I had put out some seeds and fresh raspberries. Luckily, I had lots left from the dessert I made for DDW & Mr. W when they came for lunch on Saturday. Robins really like worms best, but berries are a staple as well. Where does one find a berry in this deep snow? Dogcorner of course! She's been a repeat customer all morning and brought me to tears with the blip shot.

For the Record,
This day came in with frigid temperatures, wind chills to -20 F and the deepest snow cover we have ever had at one time, 50 inches in Boston in the last 10 days. Record breaking going on everywhere, including the limping public transportation system. That record is one of stalled and broken down trains and subways. T boarded her train before 8, the 35 minute ride mostly involved a long wait behind a stalled Redline train in Quincy. She got to the office well after 10AM. Who knows how she will get home...
More plowable snow in the forecast for Thursday, then the weekend...oy!!

All hands healing, my back is better today, I can move without pain.

Afternoon dining

Fresh raspberries!

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