
By AnnieBurke1

Little Tiger

Today is our last chilled day; Bianca and I have created a schedule of things to do for the rest of our time here.

Today started off by the pool but it was to sore for Bianca and her burns, so we ended up chatting on our balcony in the shade for most the afternoon.

At the back of our hotel, there is a restaurant on the hill called Little Tiger. It is a traditional Thai cuisine, and has really good reviews. The best thing about it, is its view point. All the tables and chairs are on decking on the edge of the hill, so if you make it there in time you can watch the sunset.

We managed to climb the stairs and get seated just as the sun was going down. It was the best view to eat dinner over. We have a busy day tomorrow so we won't be going to bed to late, however we might have a cheeky drink before bed.

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