
By hoodedpigwoman

Don't Step On The Cracks

The other day when I was feeling a bit frantic, I stumbled on an app on the Guardian website called 'Happy For Life'. It's seems to be a sort of survey/experiment and it suggests three options for each day for you to try and then measure how happy you are before and after doing them.
The first one I chose was frame a significant picture, then go for a walk in a cemetery, today's was 'don't step on the cracks'. Hard to say if it's made me loads happier but I like the challenge idea.

One thing I've learnt is Glasgow has a variety of interesting paving but it's not all the same shape, which makes it difficult if you're trying to do lots of steps for your pedometer challenge simultaneously... also you have to look at the floor and potentially bump into the lunchtime crowds. When I got to this bit I was feeling very amused but had to give up. My feet aren't that small and I didn't want to fall over.

I did one of the other suggestions instead which was 'judge a book by it's cover and buy it'. I got this in the Oxfam bookshop. It looks like it's generated quite a bit of debate!

Feeling a bit drained now though, I've had a meeting about work which was bothering me, it seemed OK but nothing's yet sorted. I'm doing the Only Connect wall now. They've missed The Darling Buds Of May connection....

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