Snowfall continues

Long monday at the office. Instead of 7hours, I had 9hours working day - so I left home at 6pm - and it was dark already. What a beautiful snowfall there was! In the blip there is me walking home and counting snowflakes ;)

My daughter visited grandmum's, as she had day off and they had an important sowing project togheter: they sow a lovely, yellow and big Picatchu-costume togheter! but we told her not to drive there alone yesterday, as the conditions was poor....
Well... To be honest the weather was maybe more awful today, snowing continued all night and day, but today also hubby had a day off and they could go togheter. He let the young driver drive and was with her helping to think in advance the possible situations. Very bad weather specially on the way back: Visibility only some 20-40meters in the dark parts of the journey (no use to use Long distance lights in the middle of snowfall) , but traffic had been very reasonable. Even truck drivers had lowered speed. That is something! She was happy as she did all the driving there and back home - and the journey was ok. Hubby even slept for a while as they came back into the city area, sitting in backseat :)

You will see her yellow Picatchu-costume late, I promise ;)
It is for a special occasion...

I think I will go for a walk now. Lovely weather, some -2c and snowing.I guess, I will be brave and have a walk, even that we have again had one tragic happening. Here is some news in english, telling about the 17-year old girl missing in Pori-area in friday evening... This is again something, that can not be understood in Finland...

Hope you have a marvellous week, you all!


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