A nice relaxing day, decided to take a wee walk around the streets where I stay to try out my new (well new to me!) Minolta 500mm lens. I have had a bit of information about it from some of my fellow Sony A77 users on Facebook and the general opinion was that it was a half way decent lens which was relatively cheap. I have never used a telephoto like this before and it's a bit heavier than some of my other lenses but it's absolutely fantastic and more than I hoped for!
I was able to happily snap birds without scaring them away and I loved these two little sparrows sitting on a cable at the side of a house near to me. I'm sure I'll get plenty of use out of it for wildlife and although it's a bit slow to focus, it does use autofocus which surprised me for an older lens not made specifically for DSLR's. It's nice to get out and about with my "big" camera for a change as I tend to stick to my much more portable Panasonic Lumix.
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