I've never been one to shirk a challenge, so when Giacomo laid the gauntlet down in a comment yesterday it was very hard not to comply. Some people have such a presence that you find it difficult to decline any request. This is such a person. I've never met this guy, but through this virtual contact on blip I feel like I have a true friend and would do anything for him. How extraordinary is that?

So with thanks to Peopletwitcher for starting this whole thing off, and with inspiration from Kendall and Ceridwen, here is my response. These three photos are part of my life because they sit on our picture wall in the kitchen. I've rephotographed each individually and pasted against a separate shot of the wall. I'm certainly bending blip rules (as well as my own) here and possibly breaking them, but I've always believed that this is what rules are for! I think this image is in the spirit of blip and that's the real rule - although impossible to describe as such.

Although I see these pictures every day, walking by them countless times, I do not really see them in a proper sense. They have become too familiar and get filtered out of my own awareness. It's been good this evening to look at these shots afresh. Editing this slightly later, I've become more curious about them myself in response to your questions. I want to know more!

The left hand picture is of my father, taken around 1930. The top right one is of me with my mother and father (challenge met!). On the back is scribbled "20 months" so this must have been taken in 1957. My mother looks so beautiful. And she still does! Some of you may have missed the picture I took of her a few days ago here. Bottom right is a picture of Forrest and Roam taken in 1995. I include it to complete a set of three generations. I think you can see the thread of DNA that joins us all!

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