MonoMonday: Spirit. Spirit of the Law

MonoMonday again, Spirit a tough choice,however tonight mine is Letter of the Law vs Spirit of the Law and this is where Lawyers get you to pay for their new Mercedes or the family Ski trip.Letter vs Spirit. This is Bruce my nextdoor neighbour reading my copy of The Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992. Our H&S laws are going through a major overhaul,what it really means is we will be using the Australian model which saves our Act being rewritten. Bruce started reading a bit of it in the Spirit of having fun and started laughing at how some of this is worded and I won't use any of the words he said,  Bruce is a very nice person. I can guarantee you most inspectors will use the Act to the Letter of the Law and not the Spirit of the Law. Marie is much better today and a huge improvement from yesterday, when I popped in this morning on before going to work Marie was Snoring sleeping and woke up after having one of those dreams where you think you are falling. Marie had a shower and washed her hair had another walk which she is doing very well. The catheter and drain were removed and the Epidural pain relief is being reduced with the Epidural possibly coming out tomorrow. Marie was more like herself again tonight.

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