With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Doy fe

There are more joyful events after which one could sit in a square in Palma having coffee and a croissant. I was feeling pretty numb after getting my stamp on a bit of paper. Personal stuff, but I am fine and 'I give faith' that there are much better days to come. However, sitting there in a previously unknown square, in a country that has been my home for the last nine years, I thought of blipping. I'd left my camera in the car on purpose, to take the scene in with my eyes and remember it that way. You might have seen the motos laden with people on their way to meetings, the suits, the characters greeting each other on their way to work (or not), buses and dogs all playing their part in the morning activities. All life lain there before me.

Come on Sollergirl! Back to creativity tomorrow.

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