
By the sunset

An admin morning, and then afternoon at the rooms seeing a few people. Back home in time to talk with Mr H after his first day at Intermediate. Looked very mature in his new school uniform. He seems to be fitting in well already, and that's good.

When the boys and their mother headed away, I went for a run. Started out intending to go to Western Springs Lake, and the changed my mind and went back to see if I could manage a hallway decent photo of the piwakawaka. They were not to be seen. I carried on to Coxs Park and then via Bayfield Reserve into Hukanui Reserve. I went up a path alongside a small creek. It felt like I was out in the bush, and the bird calls (tantalisingly close but unseen) emphasised that.

Suddenly a flapping of wings and a half dozen large and colourful birds crossed in front of me. One perched on a branch close enough for a couple of quick photos (with massive backlighting) before they dashed away again. I was sure they were Eastern Rosellas, from New South Wales. 

I was right, but my photo was barely rescuable. I thought I would put it up, but then the setting sun coloured the sky dramatically, and while I will count the rosella as the 35th species seen, recognised and photographed this year, I won't impose it on my followers.

Instead there is this rather wonderful sunset off the deck of the apartment.

ADDITIONAL: I've popped the rosella into my blipfolio

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