Life and times of CC & AJ

By Shh

Row row row your boat

Mummy managed it to swimming again this morning, AJ enjoyed watching his big brother making a splash and jumping in from the side, what a difference to when he first started swimming almost exactly two years ago now. AJ is all booked in and ready to go from March too.

We then headed of to the River and Rowing museum in Henley. Mummy has always meant to take CC in there but had never made it until today. They had a lovely Wind in the Willows exhibition, but CC was more interested in the rowing machine. He even managed to get it working by himself, maybe he will be a rower when he is older.

AJ is three months old today, he is growing so quickly, he is turning out to be a big giggler who loves a good cuddle. Mummy hopes he stays like this as he continues to grow.

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