We drove from Puolanka to Imatra today. All good things come to end. :(
I could have stayed there longer..
My God-child Mea had a Birthday few days ago. I ordered a poster to give her as present. I tooked that picture of her about year ago. I think it's cute one.
I have been searching frames for the pic long. It seem's like impossible task. No place is selling a right sized frame.
I bought one from Ikea but it didn't fit. I knew, when bought, that it's too big but tried it. It didn't fit. The color was also wrong. Then I bought one from other shop, it was same size but different color. It didn't fit either. In my mind I had been hoping to find a frame that reminds the frame of the mirror in the pic...
When I was at Puolanka, my mom reminded that one man is making frames there. So I called him and asked can he make one for me. He promised, asked me to come visit him and look at his frame materials. He told me he had more than thousand different models.
I went to check them, showed him this pic from my phone and he immediatly found one option for me. It was perfect. He promised to make the frame for me in the evening.
Well, he called me later and told that the one I picked, he didn't have enough. He said that he made me a frame of my measures from other material. He came to show it to me and it was almost as perfect as the original one =) So I tooked it. Today when we came to Imatra, I immediatly put the picture in to the frames and this is how it became to look like =) Tomorror I will give it as a present to my God-child.
Even it was sad to leave Puolanka, it was lovely to see girls and my mom. <3
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