
By Marlytyz

Horse and a freezing sunset

Woken again in the night by someone demanding a taxi.  Not sure what is happening.  I think a local taxi firm must now have a very similar number to ours.  Very irritating.  

Because I have been falling very short on my 10000 steps a day aim, I went on a very long walk today with the dogs (well long for me). I still love the fact that we can just hop over the fence at the end of our garden and walk for miles and miles without meeting a soul.  No more loading the dogs in the car and worrying that we would meet an aggressive dog or owner. 

The sun was really warm and when I arrived home I decided to turn the heating off.  Because the house is south facing it really does absorb warmth from the sun.  That was a mistake.  I left home to go to Waitrose to have our free coffee and do the weekly shop.  When we came out the weather was absolutely freezing.  We decided to drive home via the beauty spot, Devil's Dyke to see what turned out to be a wonderful sunset.

This could have been a cracking shot.  Unfortunately, I thought I had the ISO on auto.  I hadn't so it was too low for a hand held shot in low light.  However, it think it is passable. In case I haven't said so before it was absolutely freezing.

We came home to a cold house so are having have had to crank the heating up and hope it warms up quickly.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  Just one thing I am finding it difficult to find subscribers to my journal to look at their images.  I obviously can find the people who comment or using the browse tab, but that doesn't always bring everyone up.  Is there anything I am not doing?

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