Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess

Sad solitary cygnet

I went to Blackford Pond for the first time in several weeks. T had been there on Boxing Day and there were four cygnets then, but today there was only one. And it looked so sad and depressed - when we arrived it was at the far end of the pond, the other side from the adult swans and although it eventually joined in with communal bread-eating, it was half-hearted and gave up after a short time. It didn't go anywhere near the adult swans and just looked so miserable - I don't know if that comes over in this picture, but we were glad to leave the pond. We went up Blackford Hill where there were great views but we didn't stay up there long because of the biting wind. Then it was down into the Hermitage of Braid and we finished with an impromptu picnic courtesy of the WRVS cafe in the grounds of Astley Ainslie Hospital. A good end to a very enjoyable walk.

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