
By Aynil

My favourite spot in our garden

We were at home today. I just wanted to have a walk to get fresh air in our common garden. I love this spot, I mostly take my coffee or tea and sit here! 

It is 18C in Istanbul today but so windy… 18C is so weird in February! 

I have just completed my journal in January with the Back Blips today… Thank you so much for looking at and commenting on them! If you miss them and you have time to look at them, here you are! ( I will add them as links soon)

24 January is here
25 January is here
31 January is here

I also have shared my wedding photo for "thebigmoment" again! If you would like to join the challenge, just tag your wedding or a special moment photo as "thebigmoment"!

SO many thanks for your great feedback for my orchids! So kind of you!

Have a happy week, my dear friends!

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