Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Bring out your dead...

The Lurgy hit the Bell household last evening.  Not quite the Black Death, certainly not Bird Flew or Swine Fever but lurgificatious none the less.  In keeping with the ethos of Blippola - and assuming that anybody cares - this is the only pic I've taken today so it's going up.  While MrsDB was shuffling, kicking, coughing, sneezing, choking, snoring, swearing and generally being a bloody nuisance I went out to take a snow pic.  It was 0317.  Feeling near to death's door myself, I stood at the front door to grab a snowflakes shot.  Trouble is I couldn't get the camera to focus and rather than freeze off my extremities I wagged the camera about quickly until it locked onto something and went 'clickkerrchuckwhee' - as digital cameras do.  This is my pic for today.  Now to wake up MrsDB, I need some lunch.

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