
By Divebuddy

Logan Canyon Graffiti

One of the most beautiful sections of our local canyon has recently been splattered with graffiti. Although I don't condone it in any way, there is a sad commentary here. Just above this area, is a tower that is very difficult to see. The local kids, lots of them, would hike up there to spend time together, take selfies and some would paint graffiti. Few people could actually see the graffiti. But the city cracked down on ALL hiking to the tower. A no trespassing sign was placed and kids were regularly cited for trespassing. Lots of kids. Good kids with nothing better to do in a small town.  So now, what is the result? Graffiti where everyone can see it on the mountain instead of a hidden cement wall.. 
It sounds to me like the city should have done a better job at picking its battles. 

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