Back to the Chrysalis

I am afraid this is what I am blipping while it lasts!! Was quite amazed today to find this little chrysalis or pupa in the middle of a very dense shrub!! The poor caterpillar travelled several human kilometers to get there, too!! I noticed that the caterpillars became less and less and this explains it. Apparently they start wandering around to find a good place to attach to. I found 2 caterpillars searching on this shrub and 1 all done!

For in case anybody is interested, this is what I found on the web regarding this stage. I am totally fascinated by these creatures!

Silk mat
The larva’s 5th and final moult comes when it weighs about 1.5g and is about 55mm long. The larva finds a sheltered site and produces a tightly woven silk mat. It hooks its rear prolegs into the silk and hangs downwards.

Final moult
Hormones kick in, and within 2 days, the larva moults into a pupa.

Chrysalis is a Greek word for gold. Scientists are unsure about why the gold band and spots appear on the chrysalis.

Bodily changes
While in the pupal stage, the larval tissue reassembles itself. The straw-like proboscis replaces jaws. Wings and reproductive organs develop.

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