More Tilmire Faces

Last day of the season and a feast of portraits, after what seems weeks without much portraiture opportunities.
The day started with heavy wet snow when I fed the dogs this morning. By the time I got to Tilmire  it was wet but improved as the day progressed except for the rising wind felling colder and colder.
I will have to add a link for the other portraits from today, but this is Celia and her daughter Lucy. Celia is one of the picker-ups along with her father JJ who has appeared in my blipfolio " Faces of Tilmire". Today I added a further " three generation " portrait as well ( one of the links to follow ) .
During the days beating glimpses of the Wolds above home were still white over, upon my return the snow at home was gone. The "Tops" were still sparkling white in the moon light as I returned from doing late check on Miller.
Hope it was a fore filling day for you, one and all ;¬)

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