
By Madchickenwoman

Into the woods!

Up to Barry and Nellie's today to photograph some scrap for Barry! The local primary school is raising funds for solar panels for the school, and Barry is collecting scrap from all over the place to raise money for them. He had a trailer and cooker that he wanted to sell and needed photos! Many hours later, after tea, cake, and homemade chocolate spread ( which was delicious!), we went up to the storage area to do the photos, then back for more tea,  bread and cheese! With great conversation ranging from the cult of youth and inexperience over experience, age and wisdom in all places of work,  to education and inclusion,  moving house and  the compromises it may be necessary to make achieve land and seclusion, ( Nellie's enthusiasm of me living in a gypsy caravan as Freespiral has blipped, I finally had to veto as no way was I going to get rid of all my clothes as Nellie suggested!)  to ethical shopping and the consumption of milk! I may now have to give up milk and find a tasty substitute! Unless I can find a source that is not involved in veal production or the taking away of the cows calves whilst young, free pasture, ......!!! Reading on "ethical" milk production required! 
Bitterly cold today - rain, hailstones, sunshine passed by the window as we chatted and ate! I would move into their house as soon as they move out if I could! Couldn't move in with them as we all agree 3 days is our limit for people sharing our living space!

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