Who is that out there
Noise on the verandah this morning, didn't take much notice as the Pukeko use it as a promenade...........it persisted so I carefully stood up and peered out - a stoat - cripes ! Shifted along to the open window grabbing camera on the way.....it was still looking up to a glimpse of me, and at the whirr of the camera was gone. Now I know why for the last two weeks the rodent bait hasn't been touched. We have some DOC stoat traps in the bay but this is obviously a bit of a clever cookie...on my verandah indeed ! Visible to the left is a pile of Pukeko poop (nice !) - the white flecks in the concrete are shells - when the verandah was poured 90 years ago the only transport in here was by sea or packhorse so beach gravel was used....the road finally came in 1967.
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