Went to bed late and got up late.  Spent some time this morning doing an online shop at Asda - it will all be delivered next Tuesday.  This afternoon I walked down to the village to collect my repeat prescription and get a bit of shopping.  It was bitterly cold - the leftover snow is frozen solid  but the pavements were clear.

After I had eaten my tea - grilled salmon and salad  - I settled down to watch TV.  The phone rang at around 7,15pm.  It was my brother C.  He is the brother who has Aspergers and who doesn't make contact very often.  I had sent him an e mail a couple of days ago and I was pleased that he had responded. We had a bit of a catch up and he promised to stay in touch.  We talked for 1¾ hours.

I had to think of a quick blip so decided to take a shot of my little snack - milky coffee and 2 Jaffa Cakes.  I have given the photo a  Posterise  treatment.

Steps today - 5,907

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