From Now On...

By rachelwhynot


An unexpectedly amazing evening in  the company of mostly people I had only met once fact, I wasn't really looking forward to it. Too tired for "small talk." How wrong could I have been!

I had met the gentleman in my thumbnail, choosing his Indian meal, once before but only knew him for his magic tricks. He belongs to the Magic Circle and had entertained us on a previous occasion. 

This evening I was so privileged to have a long conversation with him. I listened spellbound. His name is Fergus Anckorn and he is 97 years old. He has written several books telling of his four years in a Japanese war camp where he worked on the Burma railroad, immortalised in the film Bridge on the River Kwai. He survived really atrocious treatment, including being buried alive several times, being the sole survivor of a 250 man masacre, facing a firing squad at five metres and many other terrible ordeals, by performing magic tricks to keep the Officers entertained in return for food. I have googled his life story  and it is just unbelievable. 

More fascinating conversation with the man next to me too, so I am ashamed at my initial thoughts before the evening began! And a good meal in a very nice local restaurant so home wasn't far to reach either. 

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