leaving train

I didn't have a great day today because I kept forgetting things. First thing in the morning I went into a shop to get myself a bottle of orange juice. Paid for it and then I left it in the shop. I didn't realize about it until I was on the bus, so I had to buy another one later on. Then I got myself a day saver for the bus, as I was planning to do a few bus journeys today. I lost the bloody ticket! As a result my bus travel is costing me a fortune today. Grrrr!

This tells you I'm not an early person. When I get up early I tend to forget things. Anyway...

Work was fairly quiet in the morning but rather busy in the evening. It was nice to finish early. The best thing is that I'll be on holiday for sixteen days now!! :))

Going for a couple of drinks with friends this evening, so I'll catch up with you later on.

Finnish sentence for today:

Tämä juna on lähtemässä, mutta mihin se menee?
(This train is leaving, but where is it going?)

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts yesterday! I hope you all had a good day and enjoy your weekend! :)

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