
By tookie

Long-Eared Owl

I was up north doing some window shopping and looking in small quaint stores along a waterfront town today.  Did some waterfront walking and enjoyed a nice lunch with my long time friend who drove but with me for years.  We decided to check in on the place where the short and long eared owls have been around near Stanwood Wa. on our way home.  Folks were there, the parking lot packed!  We trampled out into the muck where most of the people were gathered.  There way in the low lying trees was a long-eared owl sitting smartly on a branch.  He seemed rather bored and sleepy with owl all the attention!   Not the greatest lighting so it's kind of grainy even with the tripod use...but it was still a thrill and much better than my short-eared ones that I discarded from the other day!   For me, seeing a Barred Owl and then the short and long-eared ones all within a month is just a spiritually uplifting experience!

Have a good Friday and savor nature and all the wonders out there! I reposted a collage of this owl for my own benefit as I'm planning to do the 365 book once this site gets that all ready again!  

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