Waves upon waves upon waves.......

but this sunset finally won out!   Terry and i headed out this afternoon to have a hike out at Little River Beach, one of my absolute favorite places to walk.   Given a choice between forest and beach, i choose beach always!

It was cold but it was comfortable.   the sun was beginning to set so the light on the waves and the water was at it's best.   We were treated to an amazing display of the power of the ocean...absolutely astounding.   I took over 300 shots of the waves.....i've put a few over here!  I think photographing water and waves is my absolute favorite subject!   so powerful, so dramatic and i love being able to see one start to grow and then i click away as it moves and changes.   It does create a hellova lot of images that are very similar...and having just spent about 1/2 hour trying to decide.....i then go with the sunset!!!

just had a lovely dinner, a beer and a lovely phone call from one of my daughters!   life is good!

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